TryHackMe - Delivery (Cyber Kill Chain) | SOC Analyst 1

The Delivery phase is when "Megatron" decides to choose the method for transmitting the payload or the malware. He has plenty of options to choose from: 

  • Phishing email: after conducting the reconnaissance and determining the targets for the attack, the malicious actor would craft a malicious email that would target either a specific person (spearphishing attack) or multiple people in the company. The email would contain a payload or malware. For example, "Megatron" would learn that Nancy from the Sales department at company A would constantly like the posts on LinkedIn from Scott, a Service Delivery Manager at company B. He would give it a second guess that they both communicate with each other over work emails. "Megatron" would craft an email using Scott's First Name and Last Name, making the domain look similar to the company Scott is working at. An attacker would then send a fake "Invoice" email to Nancy, which contains the payload.
  • Distributing infected USB drives in public places like coffee shops, parking lots, or on the street. An attacker might decide to conduct a sophisticated USB Drop Attack by printing the company's logo on the USB drives and mailing them to the company while pretending to be a customer sending the USB devices as a gift. You can read about one of these similar attacks at CSO Online "Cybercriminal group mails malicious USB dongles to targeted companies."
  • Watering hole attack. A watering hole attack is a targeted attack designed to aim at a specific group of people by compromising the website they are usually visiting and then redirecting them to the malicious website of an attacker's choice. The attacker would look for a known vulnerability for the website and try to exploit it. The attacker would encourage the victims to visit the website by sending "harmless" emails pointing out the malicious URL to make the attack work more efficiently. After visiting the website, the victim would unintentionally download malware or a malicious application to their computer. This type of attack is called a drive-by download. An example can be a malicious pop-up asking to download a fake Browser extension.
Answer the question below
What is the name of the attack when it is performed against a specific group of people, and the attacker seeks to infect the website that the mentioned group of people is constantly visiting? Watering Hole Attack
